This year we look forward to a return to normal with a prayerful, in-person Atrium. I am excited to include Level 3 Catechesis, which is curriculum for the 9-12 year old children, along with the Level 1 and 2 that was presented last year in a special Covid way.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd does much work on the floor with the students, so we are reaching out to our parents and grandparents to see if anyone may have rugs to donate to the Atrium so we can upgrade our slightly tattered-edged ones. What we are in need of are the following:
Please, in very good condition with no pet hair:
3 - 5x7 or 6x8 rugs.
2 - 5' or 6' runners
We are also looking for donations of 10 cotton bath mats, that can be rolled up and stored when not in use. These should be 3 feet in length.
We are always in need the following supplies:
Colored pencils
Tracing paper
Cardstock- any color, but light colors for making prayer cards.
Any beautiful scrapbooking papers you no longer want.
Any religious Christmas cards no longer needed, please recycle them with us!
Tubes from paper towels.
If anyone with woodworking skills can lend a hand, I have a couple of projects on hold until I can get wood cut. All patterns are ready to go, i need some help with the saw.